Monthly Startup TA Meeting

When:  Jul 14, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM (CT)


If you're a talent leader in a startup company - this is your chance to build a network of peers, level set and learn from each other. 

Attending our July meeting is Ashby CEO, Benjamin Encz, and his VP of Engineering, to walk us through a 20 minute overview of Ashby.  We'll conclude the demo with a short Q&A.

Following this segment of the meeting the Ashby team will be released from the call so that community members may continue discussing the product among themselves or move on to other areas of interest.

These monthly meetings are loosely structured and will contain sourced agenda items from participants, occasional guest speakers, and open mic dialogue related to what's top of mind for startup recruiting teams.

Open to: CXR Start-up Community


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Barb Ruess