Starts:  May 7, 2024 01:00 PM (PT)
Ends:  May 9, 2024 03:00 PM (PT)

Join CXR at this year's UNLEASH America: The International Festival of HR

  • May 8th Panel TA Tech Stacks: Navigating Change & Innovation moderated by @Chris Hoyt (he/him) with CXR members @Jason Baker, @Kerry Karle and @Raelyn Trende
  • May 9th Boardroom session: AI is not a solution. It is an opportunity to change the rules, stakeholders & the outcomes to do the right thing. Led by @Gerry Crispin
  • Judging for UNLEASH Startup Award Competition

Don't buy tickets - let us give them to you!

CXR Community members can take advantage of our relationship with UNLEASH for free tickets (and discounted hotel rooms while available). So if you're planning to go - let us know asap and we'll hook you up and let you know where else you might find us. (Hint: it likely involves good conversation over a glass of wine. Get your coins ready.)  


UNLEASH America Conference and Expo is the fastest-growing HR event in the world, and where global HR Leaders come to do business and discover inspirational stories that change the way organizations think about HR and innovation. UNLEASH has championed HR excellence and disruption since 2011 and has become the industry standard that drives progress in human resources, learning and recruitment. 

This year, more than 5,000 leaders and technology buyers from over 3,000 of the world’s leading employers will gather in Las Vegas for three action-packed days. They represent 100 countries and influence over 50 million employees.


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Barb Ruess
