The HR Technology Conference & Exposition® is the world’s longest-running event on HR innovation. Hailed as the industry’s “Town Hall Meeting,” the HR Technology Conference is where all the leading analysts, thought leaders, industry innovators, HR and business leaders — anybody who cares about HR and work technology — from around the world come together as a community to exchange ideas, learn and make long-lasting connections.
Don't miss our CXR Community Panel as the closing keynote for the Women in HR Tech Summit on September 24th at 11:30am. Moderated by our own @Barb Ruess, this panel features three incredible leaders who will be sharing their secrets to change management and tech optimization: @Joanna Clark @Yvette Stortz and @Jennifer Tracy
All week, you'll find the CXR Team walking the show floor and soaking in some sessions so be sure to reach out.
Note: the All Access Pass (which includes the Women in HR Tech Summit) is available until June 28th at nearly 50% off.
CXR Member Discount: Use code SPK24 for $150 off the Basic or All Access Pass
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